Identifiable via his desert camouflage suit, grass camouflage headgear, colored stripes and boots, the Sniper is the one class you never want to be in the sights of.
Nail 'Em: Via his Nailgun, which can be pretty effective at taking off a bit of a enemy's health via circle-strafing, although attempting to kill a enemy by yourself with this weapon isn't recommended. Lethal Joke Character: However, if you learn how to use to circle-strafe and use Concussion Grenades, he can be a damn useful flag runner and offensive support. Joke Character: In the hands of an inexperienced player, he is next to useless, as his weak weapons and fragility put him at a major disadvantage that his speed can't compensate for.
Interface Screw: Via his Concussion Grenades.
Heroic Mime: Like the rest of his teammates, he only ever says "Medic!" and "Excuse me, I'm in need of medical attention!", as well as a few grunts. Fragile Speedster: Even more so than his Team Fortress 2 successor. Cut the Fuse: He can disable an enemy Demoman's Detpack by just touching it. Cherry Tapping: His main method of attacking if he's not finishing off an enemy already injured by a teammate. In related news, it was recently revealed that a Team Fortress 2 developer called one of their colleagues a "knob" in the game's source code. You can download Team Fortress 2 Classic here. The post also mentions that there are several weapons being ported from live Team Fortress 2, so players will have some familiar equipment to work with. "Such game modes consist of original core TF2 game modes ranging from Capture the Flag to Special Delivery, our own additions such as VIP and Domination, or even the addition for two new teams in several existing modes." The mod description included in the blog post states that, "Team Fortress 2 Classic is a re-imagining of the 2008-2009 era of the original Team Fortress 2, of which is what we consider the 'Classic Era,' featuring old features that were scrapped and worked upon, or new content such as new weapons and game modes." "The Release of Team Fortress 2 Classic, and the brand new update to ship with it, The Death & Taxes Update! It's finally here, and now we can let you use all those shiny new weapons and kill each other on all the brand new maps introduced in this update, all the maps returning from the past, as well as a handful from Live TF2!" To see this content please enable targeting cookies. The blog post offers more clarity - "The moment you've all been dying for. "Day 4 of The Death & Taxes Update, the official release of Team Fortress 2 Classic, is now live!" Get reading, and most importantly, get downloading: /WRuFxLdnYb- TF2Classic JTo see this content please enable targeting cookies. The final day! Day 4 of The Death & Taxes Update, the official release of Team Fortress 2 Classic, is now live!